What are Resolutions?
From NSNA, “A resolution is a written statement that, when adopted by the House of Delegates, is the basis for the policies and actions of the National Student Nurses' Association (NSNA). Resolutions are presented on matters of importance to NSNA, its members and constituent associations, the nursing profession, healthcare professionals, and the health needs of the public.” We aim to adapt resolutions on the state level, for VNSA. Therefore, we want to have written statements to help guide the direction of and provide public stances on topics for our organization. As a constituent, creating resolutions is part of your responsibility, for our state level organization is built on principles of shared governance. Submitted resolutions will be voted on during the House of Delegates at our Annual Convention. If you are a chapter Legislative Director, we recommend that you lead an initiative encouraging your NSA chapter to write a resolution. Individual NSNA members may not submit a resolution. Resolution Guidelines Packet: Click here Resolution Template: Click here Additional Resources: Ready to submit your resolution? Send them to Sarah at [email protected] by January 31, 2020!
The resolutions packet and template are great resources to help you get started in writing a resolution! The NSNA website also provides other information about resolutions. Please reach out to us with any questions!